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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The ‘Daughters’ Of ‘Mothers’

‘Wake Up Nishi, Now, you don’t sleep again”..... “Why can’t you do exercise regularly?”.... “Please do brush and take this coffee, it’s getting cold”..... “Why are you sitting with your lunch for hours?”... “Nishi, I don’t like you wasting your leave without studying...” “Haven’t you finished talking over the phone? What have you got to tell your friends so much, whom you meet every day at class?”

I am away from home hardly for one week. However these dialogues really make me feel at home. Though I am married and with a baby girl, these moments really take me back to my teenage days. I felt that the ongoing dialogues between Nishi and her mother is an echo of my teenage days with my mother.

I was never a hard working student. Rather I would call myself as a dreamy person, who used to ponder for hours on so called insignificant things. I used to curl up in bed while my peers used to study hard, I never did exercise regularly in my life, I used to sit with plates filled with my favourite food for hours in front of TV or with a book and certain subjects during my study days still give me nightmares.

I used to get so irritated when my mother used to tail behind me telling to do this or that. However these days when I see Nishi getting irritated at some times, I long for those moments. How I miss those days where there was the warmth of caring admonishes around me. Now, I see another aspect that I missed during my teenage days. A wink of smile in Nishi’s mother’s eyes that I am sure my mother also must have had.

Yes, all mothers were daughters at a time. Even I started bossing over little Shreya to do this and to do that. At present she protests with shrieks and rolling sessions on floor. I am sure she will also be a free spirited teenager as she grows up. Then.... she will also miss me when she is away.

The good thing is that we are ‘daughters’ of ‘mothers, who were ‘daughters’ too. I feel this as a beautiful cycle in life. I know that I passed through the beautiful age that will never come back again. Yet I have a chance to relive the time with my daughter and with a smile in eyes.

P.S: I don’t know anything about the ‘Sons’ of ‘Mothers’. Please excuse me here.


RENIN RAJ said...

WOW Dhanya, beauty of a article.

Subha said...

just loved it dhanya...

Subha said...
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