©2006 Dhanyasree M

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Friday, May 20, 2011


At first heat blinded my eyes.
I walked into the burning sand,
Holding, the hands of my loved one.
The blazing sun rose above us
And I was covered by blackness!

Then I saw the cool shades
Amidst, this engulfing heat...
No, it wasn’t a mirage,
It was you!

The desert became a valley,
Under, your magical touch.
The hot sand sang into,
Soft floors, to set our foot!
You turned the hot sunrays into,
Pleasant moon beams.

Summer and winter came,
Hand by hand with you.

Now, let me return to my shore.
Your equals are waiting us there.
While they set a new path for us,
Our un-hiked paths are left for you.
When we move ahead in our path,
You’ll travel in the other path.

We may not see each other,
When, we look back again.
But, the power of memories,
Have etched you forever in our lives.

No more tears,
No more Good Byes,
We know that parting is painful
And we love each other!

1 comment:

മാത്തൂരാൻ said...

No more tears,
No more Good Byes,
We know that parting is painful
And we love each other!